Manga is one of Japanese culture which we can be proud of. In Japan, freedom of speech is guaranteed, and we can express a variety of worlds through manga. Manga can represent not only fantasy but also the real world at times.
I’d like to introduce the manga, “Life-threatening Testimony“. It is drawn the reality of the Uyghur genocide by CCP which is based on a lot of testimony and data. The author of this manga is a Japanese manga creator, Ms. Tomomi Shimizu.
Pointing to China’s “systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs,” Tomomi Shimizu implored, “Japan must not just regard the oppression as something that is happening far away.”#Uyghurs
Japanese Author of Uyghur Manga Speaks out about Genocide in China— 清水ともみ (@swim_shu) February 25, 2021
In 2007, the author watched a TV show traveling China by the Chinese railroad and paid attention to a female farmer who picked cotton alone in the Uighur cotton field. She rarely saw or answered when the interviewer called out, and there were people near her who were monitoring her. The author felt something is wrong with the situation in China and couldn’t forget it.
After that, the author has understood and learned about the human rights issue caused by CCP in Uighur, Tibet, and Mongolia. Then, she has interviewed many Uighurs and Kazakhs who know what CCP is doing in Uighur and has drawn some manga about that. “Life-threatening Testimony” is one of them.
I’ve read this manga and I was very shocked. Also, I couldn’t control my feelings of anger and sadness. I don’t write the content of specific testimonies on this blog because I don’t want to be mistaken for propaganda, but I want many Japanese people to read and know about this reality by themselves.
Thinking about what I can do, I’ve written this blog, shared the information of “Life-threatening Testimony”, and made a donation to the Japan Uyghur Association. I’d like to keep supporting it and learn the history and culture of East Turkestan in order to solve this serious issue.
My power is a tiny bit. But I believe that the combined power of many people will become a great power. Then, I hope that the Japanese government will make concrete policies, the mainstream media will report this issue more, and Japanese companies will not be complicit in the human rights violation by CCP.
Uyghurs living in Japan who have been naturalized in Japan can go to various places in the world with their Japanese passport. However, there is only one place they can’t visit freely. That is their hometown, East Turkestan. They can never live in their own home with their family.
When I knew that terrible reality, I remembered the Japanese song “Furusato”, which my late grandfather liked. (“Furusato” means hometown.) My grandfather, who has had a very painful and sad experience overseas due to the war, often sang this song. I think he felt the joy of spending time with family in Japan than anyone else.
I hope that the world will become a place where all people can live peacefully in their hometown while preserving the traditions and culture of their own country.
2007年、著者は中国鉄道で中国を旅するテレビ番組を見て、ウイグルの綿畑で一人綿摘みをする農婦に目が留まったそうです。取材者が彼女に声をかけた時、彼女はめったに見たり答えたりせず、また、彼女の近くに彼女を監視している人がいたそうです。 著者は中国の状況に違和感を覚え、それを忘れることが出来なかったと言います。
その後、著者はウイグル、チベット、モンゴルで中国共産党が引き起こした人権問題について理解し、学んだそうです。 そして、彼女は中国共産党がウイグルで何をしているのかを知っている多くのウイグル人とカザフ人に取材をし、それについての漫画を描きました。「命がけの証言」もその一つです。
私は自分に何ができるかを考えて、このブログを書き、「命がけの証言」の情報を共有し、日本ウイグル協会に寄付をしました。 この深刻な問題を解決するために、これからも支援を続け、東トルキスタンの歴史と文化を学びたいと思います。
私の力はほんの少しです。 しかし、たくさんの人々の力が合わされば、大きな力になると信じています。 そして、日本政府が具体的な政策を立て、主流メディアがこの問題をもっと報道し、日本企業が中国共産党による人権侵害に加担しないことを期待しています。
日本で帰化した日本在住のウイグル人は、日本のパスポートで世界各地に行くことがで出来ます。 しかし、自由に行けない場所が一つあります。 それが彼らの故郷、東トルキスタンです。彼らは家族と一緒に、自分の家に住むことが出来ないのです。